When a friend or family member is about to welcome a new little one, the baby shower is the perfect opportunity to bless them with all of the things they need to care for and entertain the new child. You probably want to shower the mom-to-be with piles of clothing and toys -- but baby items can be expensive! Luckily, there are several good ways to save on baby supplies so you can be extra generous and give your friend everything she needs.

Sign Up For Online Alerts

There are so many different stores and shops that sell clothing and baby toys online. Visit a few of these sites, and make note of a few items you want to buy. Then, sign up to receive alerts when the prices of these items go down. (Most websites will allow you to do this.) Wait until you receive a notice, and then buy the item at a discount! It helps if you "follow" more items than you actually plan to buy so you increase your chances of several of them being discounted before the shower.

Buy Out-of-Season Items

Spring baby items often go on sale in the fall, and fall items often go on sale in the spring. This can really work in your favor when buying for a baby shower since you're really buying things for the mom-to-be to use several months from now. Figure out how old the baby will be during a coming season. For instance, you may figure out that the baby will be three months old next fall. You can shop on-sale, 3-month fall baby clothing during the spring and save a bundle.

Visit Thrift Stores

While you may not want to give your friend used clothing for the baby shower, you'll be surprised how many brand new items you can actually find at the thrift store. Someone may have donated them when they received the wrong size. Look for items with the tags still on, and don't forget to look for toys, too. If you find hard-surface toys, you can always take them home, wipe them down with some disinfectant, and give them to the mom-to-be. Most baby toys are made to last a lot longer than a baby will use them for, so the ones you find will probably still be in great shape.

With the tips above, you can bless the mother-to-be with plenty of gifts without having to empty your wallet. 
